Friday, 27 January 2012

Advert Evaluation

The ideology attached to my advert is ,it’s a teenage brand, it has a nature theme, its bold in its own way, The uniform my models are wearing  shows what type of audience the perfume suits .
My advert appeals to my target audience by having teenage models showing the youth and age group, I am trying to appeal to also. The teenage models are associated with older people .To show it’s for women of all ages.
In Maslow`s hierarchy of needs refer to love/belonging because you can see in the advert my models are all having happy of being together as friends show the belong of friendship is so significant to their morality.
I have used warm and fuzzy because background gives an effect of peace and relaxation. The models smiling and doing an action of an act of happiness gives use that inner warm sensation of having friend and belonging.
I have tried to make my models represent youth .Also they have their own personalities that stands out on the advert. The third model on the left, next to the fourth on the right .You can see her personality is very joyful and excitable.
